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Khloe Kardashian got caught rotten Photoshopping her gym selfies

Ah now.

KHLOE KARDASHIAN HAS made no secret of her gruelling fitness regime. But yesterday, she accidentally revealed a fondness for the demon Photoshop.

She posted this gym selfie to Instagram, saying:

I’m just trying to be better than I used to be. I compete with myself. Thanks @gunnarfitness for kicking my ass today.

khloe-deleted-instagram-zoom-2b574dee-fb2c-45b2-98b2-cefd667647d7 Source: Screengrab via Mashable

Several followers immediately pointed out the slight curve in the doorframe – a pretty solid indication that the image had been Photoshopped.


Khloe quickly took down the image and replaced it with the original version, which on scrutiny reveals that her upper right thigh isn’t perfectly convex, as it is in the Photoshopped photo. Gasp!

She wrote:

If only hatin’ burned calories how dope y’all would be. Too bad it doesn’t. Here’s the OG shot. The petty movement ain’t cute. Oh and I almost forgot… Namaste.

Haters, or lovers of honest gym selfies? Your call, Khloe.

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